Boracay Package [Hotel Only]READ FIRST: Here is a list of our partner Hotels in Boracay from different stations, we listed them according to their rates, from the most affordable and budget friendly accommodations to the most luxurious and expensive Hotels and Beach Clubs.
Rates below does not include Airfare and Transfers to and from Boracay, this Boracay page is design for groups or individuals who only need of a place to stay in Boracay. WE HAVE ONE OF THE MOST AFFORDABLE RATES IN THE MARKET. Please feel free to contact us for more information, we will be more than willing to assist you in looking for the right hotel that fits your need, taste and budget. We also have Boracay Packages bundled with the most affordable Airfare, Seafare and transfers. Boracay All-in Promo [Promo Season June-November] Airfare + Hotel + Transfers Seafare[2Go] + Hotel + Transfers |
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